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At South Coast Hydrotherapy School, we offer high quality CPD courses designed for Veterinary Surgeons, Veterinary Nurses, Hydrotherapists and Physiotherapists to inform, challenge and expand their knowledge in the small animal rehabilitation field, which is a continually developing industry. We are proud that our CPD provides both hands on and theoretical learning opportunities with tutors who are at the top of their clinical fields and are passionate committed educators. A certificate of attendance will be awarded for these courses.



CPD hours: 10

Cost: £75

How to recognise and deal with any possible emergencies and safely health check patients. It is a in-person course, completing with a quiz at home.

It is recognised by CHA and NARCH for the purposes of updating your first aid certificate.

Also suitable for pet owners keen on learning about first aid.

First Aid courses run throughout the year therefore please email for availability.


2024 DATES:

Friday 23rd August

Friday 8th November 

Download the first aid & health status booking form here



CPD hours: 10

Cost: £65

Canine anatomy refresher completing with a series of questions

These are online based therefore please email regarding enrolling.

Download the canine anatomy booking form here



CPD hours: 10

Cost: £65

Water management refresher completing with a series of questions

These are online based therefore please email regarding enrolling.

Download the water management booking form here



CPD hours: 7

Cost: £125

This continued professional development course offers canine hydrotherapists the opportunity to learn how to safely perform massage techniques in an aquatic environment.

The day is presented by Veterinary Physiotherapist Olivia Naisbitt Dip SA Hydro, BSc (Hons), MSc VetPhysio, MNAVP, a professional who is qualified to the highest standard in the veterinary physiotherapy and hydrotherapy field.

This course is aimed at newly qualified and experienced hydrotherapists and is suited for both pool and treadmill users. In the morning, you will learn about the theory of massage, how it effects the canine body, different massage techniques, palpation skills and how you can apply massage in a hydrotherapy setting. In the afternoon, participants will have the opportunity to apply the techniques they have learnt in the pool as well as analyse how the dogs tissue feels and responds in the water.

This CPD course shows you how to use massage in a canine hydrotherapy setting. It does not provide a formal qualification in canine massage nor does it enable the attendee to undertake land based massage work on any species. For information please contact us.


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